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♥Today's Quote ♥

♥"Friendship at first sight, like love at first sight is said to be the only truth."♥

love in 9 day


Well i read this blog and its really very heart touching so i like to share my story here.

In those day i was studying. Well to go my college i daily need to travel with train it was my first year of college. When i reach 2 railway station i saw one girl  standing alone and she just walk toward my side and stand toward the door of train watching outside. and she was looking very beautiful. Two days pass daily i saw her she just stand beside the door and watch toward.....

3rd day i just go beside her and said her hello she was just thinking something so she reply after a min she said hello i ask her name she still thinking something  so i ask her name again then she reply angela i said, nice too meet you and she just said ok then i ask her where are you u going she said i am going to university of pune and i surprised that i am too going to university after that i dint talk to her because she was thinking something i just keep watching her because i was in love with her.

I follow her till her class to find out which class she is studying.  She was studying in B.C.A 3rd year and my class was just beside her class i feel to happy after knowing that. just i was in love with her. so i was waiting for next day to travel.

4rth day come and she walk inside the train and stand toward the train door i went near to her i said i want friendship with you will u like me to make your friend  she dint reply i too just looking at her thinking that what the matter why she is not reply but after few min she reply ya sure after that i see a smile on her face  and she just keep looking at me so i ask her something about her and she ask few question about me. i was too happy that she is my friend. Like this 2 days past

6th when me and she was traveling in train and we were talking i just ask her should i ask u one thing she said yes i said from 1st day when i watch you i feel something special something new in me i was totally impress by your beauty i want to make relation ship of  love will u accept my purpose and she said no i cant and just turn opposite to me and tear fall down from her eye.  I said what happen did i hurt you  she said no  i again ask her tell me why u don't want  this relation whats bad in this and why this tears. she reply me a name of "Veer" i ask her who is Veer she said my boyfriend i just said ok and didnt reply anything but after few min i ask her why you are crying u must be happy then what happen she said Veer is not in this world i just shock there and i said i am sorry and she say just ok. after that i dint ask her anything.

7th day i and she going to college we both didn't said anything  but at last i ask her how Veer die? she said all to me about Veer how they meet and everything. One day she and Veer where traveling in the same train and she was happy very much with Veer they love each other very much  she just ask to veer how much you love me and can u prove me .Veer said" i love you very much even more then my life" she just ask ,"can u prove it " in kidding he said yes i can. "I can jump from this train now  just for u". She said u are kidding you cant do it. Veer told ok close your eyes she said ok  and Veer really jump from train and she heared it and open her eyes and Veer was gone she just fell down on her knee and cryed lot.From that day she daily watching for Veer finding him by standing near to the door of train.and she just cryed in my arms i said don't cry please.

 8th day i again meet her and take her to restaurant again ask her please i love you very much i want to marry you please be my life partner Veer is not her  i am sorry about that but why u want to be alone why u want to waste you whole life please i don't know what i am saying but i love you if i say something wrong the please forgive me  just i know i love you very much after few min she said ok i will think of that and walk away by smiling .

9th day she meet to me and just came and first she said i love you and give me kiss after that i and she live happy life. Just my all my dream over i was too happy that day so that's my love story hope u like it.


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