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♥Today's Quote ♥

♥"Friendship at first sight, like love at first sight is said to be the only truth."♥

Made up my mind to forget him...


I went out with two guys..but those two relationship didnt go far cz i didnt love them. Last year i met a guy on net. We were same college and after some time i came to know he was attracted to me during college days. Ultimately i had to leave college and he stayed there, he couldnt find me at all. he thought he never go see me. I wasnt even aware of his presence at that time. During the time i met him last year, he was in depression, his girlfriend he loved so much had left him. I tried to help him a lot to come out of this, try many strategies to make him forget her and concentrate on his studies. After some time we became attached so much, shared all our secrets,became good friends, we even started meeting, after my work he came to meet me during weekends. We even started holding hands and walk coz we liked to do it. And one day while we were alone together, and talking...he kissed me. I was in a state of shock,then he proposed to me. He asked me if i wanted to be his girlfriend. I was really shocked..coz i neva thought he wud have proposed to me, he always say he wants his girlfriend to be perfect. I Asked him many times if he was sure of this,he said yes he was.Finally i asked him time of one week,for him to think again and for me too. I said yes to him.. so we started going out together.. However at times he talked about his ex,i did understand his feelings for her,that it gonna take time to go. Mean while i fell in love with him and he started having strong feelings for me too.. But then his ex always phoned him and told him she still miss him and love him.
One day,...he told me he still loves her and cant be with me.He thought she is the one,her soulmate and i am not.He taking the risk to leave me for her. But for me,i fell in love with him,i couldnt understand... At times i slept with the feeling of wanting to die...I cried so many nights,,. He just told me that for him it was infactuation and lust.
With the help of my friend,gradually i started accepting this fact.
Today i still love him. i dnt know about his feelings for me, Nd for his ex, she is with another guy. But watever happens, i have made up my mind to forget him...


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