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♥Today's Quote ♥

♥"Friendship at first sight, like love at first sight is said to be the only truth."♥

I will never love


MY story start when i end my school days and i went for college i was a simple guy want to leave in my own life style. i was new in college but i like to make new friends so i made lotzz of friends in college. there was girl her name was shadma we were best friends we always share everything with each other after some days she told me about some extra classes i told shadma ok i will join it . its was my first day of class as i enter the class room all student start starring at me i was nervous that day i just took my books and sit on chair but after some time shadma came and sit beside me i was too happy becoz she is my best friend.

Many day pass in friendship wiz her but i was totally mad about her i even don't leave any chance to help her to make her smile day and night i was thinking about her .One day when class started i was not in mood to study so i keep staring at her after some time she too start looking at me and we both were in our own dream we daily do that its little bit funny but i love it)i do not have Dare to tell her i love you but still i want her i never miss any class or any lecture just for her becoz i was in totally love wiz her One day in class i was writing some notes but beside me my friends were cracking some jokes making fun of other after some time they were telling me about shadma they told me that shadma have boyfriend i was just shock but i still cant believe but still my mind want to know about her boyfriend i was just getting jealous of it but his boyfriend was in other class so i cant keep eye on him so one of my Friends was helping me to know him better or what he do wiz day i was having holiday in my class so me and my friend were going to cinema hall but at same cinema hall i see shadma too with her boyfriend and they were watching some other move and i was watching different movie i just got too angry on myself..... i went to her and ask her frankly what you are doing here she said i came here to watch move wiz my boyfriend but after that she told "i don't like him i was her girlfriend for few days he force me to be her girlfriend" i was little bit upset but i was happy that she is my best friend still like this many days pass i was just mad in love wiz her. one day i offer her for movie wiz me and she told me "yes sure i will" next day we went for movie and my all friends know that so they keep texting me on my mobile and cracking jokes we both enter to cinema hall she was watching movie but not me i was watching her and my friends keep texting me on my mobile that propose her this is best time to do that if u miss it then i wont get this chance so at inter well i dare and sit on knees and propose her i said " from many days i was to say u some thing to u but i was scared but today i want to tell u that i love u lodzzz" but she didn't reply me anything after some time she said cant we just a good friends i told ok no problem i just want u near to me she smile and said ok

after few day when i and shadma were walking on street i told her why u want our relation of love she told i don't like this i want study only i don't want top waste my time in all this but the truth was she was not interested in me my heart was just broken i know she like someone else but deep inside my heart thr was still love for her and always love for her still i meet her but full of tears when i see her thr is lotzz of pain

in my life i will never love she is only one in my heart anyway she is not wiz me but i remember that days was very beautiful wiz her this is my true love story:((


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