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♥Today's Quote ♥

♥"Friendship at first sight, like love at first sight is said to be the only truth."♥

What Does Love Mean?


Arti:-love is an easy word to say it but it's hard to understand it....but if you really want to love someone don't love him/her for ever and don't try to make any mistake so0o...take care when you love someone....

Rohit:-Love is magic. When they are with you, you neglect them but if they are not there your going crazy to search 4 him. If he looks at you, you change your view but if he is already looking somewhere else you won't stop looking at him. If he is talking to you you don't entertain him but if you see that he is talking with somebody else you got jealous. For me love can be present if you are true to it..

Aniket:- Love is everything. No one can see it but I can feel it.

Ronnie:- Love is when you cannot breathe because this feeling inside you is ready to explode! It's a wonderfull state which makes your eyes be lightened, you feel as if you are flying above the whole world! But sometimes it really hearts! Don't tear each other's hearts!

Aryan:-Love means being with someone you care about and if you really love someone you will never stop thinking about them.

Rahul:-Love is when you feel something really strong and special for somebody else. It is an amazing feeling and you just want to tell the world how you feel.

Swati:- To me love means being there for that person and just holding that person down forever and loving that person forever regardless of what u go through with that person or anything. Love is like a plant sometimes because u have to water the seed and just let it grow then it will shine from the sun and sometimes it even might fall but the love will keep it strong and healthy everyday so it can keep growing until it gets old which means u and that person will grow old now thats real love....

Nikhil:-The existence of Universe is because of love. Love can make world a heaven. Loving means forgiving fault not finding faults. Love makes impossible into possible. True love is never selfish. Without trust love is not complete.

Prince:-Love is giving your whole heart to someone no matter what. Love keeps me going through the day. Love can be many things ...a feeling, a look, a kiss....that's why it's so unexplainable and so very special.

Yash:-Love is something you can't see but you can feel it and you can't put it into words. Love means a fever thing its how you feel about someone. Its what you say when there is no other word to descibe how you feel. Its not something to take lightly if you say it you should mean it and if you need to have someone tell you what it mean your not ready to say it.

Pyush:-Love means no matter what happens that special someone will be there holding your hand and lifting your spirits. When you have the worst day of your life they will be there to pick you back up and not have to be asked. You will think about them no matter what and no matter what they will think about you. Your hands get sweaty and your heart skips a beat. Love is not something you question yourself about but something you just know. IF you think twice about who you are can't be in love cause love doesn't doubt. Love doesn't boust and love is honest and faithful. Hold on to your loved ones tight and never forget that if they really love you they won't be going anywhere

Tanveer:- It means to see people in loves first sight and to kiss them and be with them with a beat of a heart and caring for people to observe your true feelings and love!

Abhijit:-Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always persevers. Love never fails.

Dhiraj:-Love can best be shown than explained. Isn't it amazing how you can be insanely in love with someone who you have no biological tie to; like a spouse. You can't imagine your life without that person and you will do anything for that person. You value your relationship with that person as if he/she was a blood relative. That beautifully emotional connection is the best example of pure love.

This where some of my friend view about love they said this now its you turn you say about love comment below best of luck :)


Rahul said...

friends waiting for u r reply

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