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♥Today's Quote ♥

♥"Friendship at first sight, like love at first sight is said to be the only truth."♥

I Want To See Future


This story doesn't have a good ending like other love storys.
 Well my love story start from my college days when i had taken the new admission in my new college. at that time i was feeling too much bore and i use to sit quite and attend the lectures but my new friends where very naughty and they always use to take every common thing in prank. In my class there was one girl her name was neha she was a like to me she was also use to sit quite and use to attend the lectures. One of my friend told me, kindly look that girl is calling to you and vise versa to neha "see that boy is calling u". I looked at her and she also look towards me. neha ask what happen why u called me i told i didn't call u. neha said U called me! after the conversation neha turn over and sit quietly.

My friend use to tell neha that "i love her" and she always use to look at me. She use to feel shy and don't say anything to any one, and she keep starring at me to find out am i looking at her or not. But i don't use to look but my friend's make me to look at her that was too funny days i still remember it. Once I was talking to my friend's and she was sitting back to my freinds, actually i was talking to my friend's but I was standing by facing her. she thought i am looking at her and she got angry on me and she told to one of my friend that tell him to meet me in alone after the college get over. I went where she had called me, she told me " don't try to act over smart and don't starre at me all the time i am not interested in any kind of relation with u, so u better understand" and then i walked away.

From that day i thought this is too much even i havent did any thing then also she shouted.So i decided to make her my girlfriend.
from that day i started looking at her, i use to sit near to her and she always try to ignore me but once a day i told to her friend that please kindly call her i want to meet her alone please do this much favor for me. They said that they will convey my message to her then all is depend over to her. she came to the place where i called her. she asked me why u call me her alone,I just move her beside and i told her i want to talk to u, she replyed me pls tell me fast "I have to move to my home" I said her that i love u very much and i want to make YOU my life are only my dream girl would u like to become my life partner?
She told me i am not interested in this i want to study and dont want to do all this thing and said sorry and walk away.

After few days i had gone to my college, so one of mine friend named archana came to wards me and said me where were u so many days, i come to realize within few days that she was in love with me. So just to make neha jelious of me i started talking to archana, when were i use to see neha so i use to just show off her and use to make her realize that i am happy without her also.. after few days neha told to one of my friend, that she wasnt to meet me in alone. so i meet her as she said me,i just pretend to show her that i am busy and archana is waiting for me.. she said to me that "i want to do friend ship with you" but i refused her and said to her that i am still on the same decision with a LONG LIFE relationship.

as the days pass she use to feel more jelious. so once a days she told me that she want to become my girlfriend, i was totally ammaze to here that and its was a moment that i was unable to express my feeling. what to say and what to not. she itself hug me and with a very blooming heart i kiss her on her cheeks, and i realize that its not a dream.after that it was all romantic it was too much different feeling i never feel like that ever after.I was too happy and she was also too much happy. some day when she use to sit alone in class room I use to give her surprise kisses and she would feel shy and use to give sweet smile and give me hug. Life was going cheerfull. we were enjoying very much. One day she told me when we will get marry, i told when the time come i will surely marry you. But after that she said it is not possible i ask her why she told me i am a Muslim and you are Hindu i was shock after listening and i said to her i will marry to u, but she told me it will never happen. My family will never allow me to marry with you but i  love u a lot. I told to her that i will tell u later and i just close my eyes and put my head on her lap and i said i love u very much i wont let you to go far from me.

on the same day i went to my home and while taking lunch i ask my mother in a pranky manner that what will happen if i will marry a muslim girl she got to much angry she said me u cant marry a Muslim girl that is not possible

i ask my mother why whats problem in that she told me that we r  from different cast u cant marry.
its against our cast no one will allow u to do this. Next day i went to college and meet to her and ask about marriage she told me i try to explain my mom dad but they are not ready for this. I said her we both cant go against our mom dad even we cant run away and marry its too difficult to leave this life now. After that day suddenly dad told me there is transfer of him and whole family have to leave this place and have to move to different place. I have to go but it was not much far away from that place so i will little bit happy.

After that we mostly talk on phone, ever day we meet very few min.. I miss those days still and the most i miss is her my sweet smile. Here is nothing but tears its too painful. Still i try to meet her on phone and some time i go to meet her but it is not sufficient for me i want her and that's impossible i am totally broken but still i am happy that she is with me and love me a lot. Well i don't have end of my story but don't know it will have end or not but i love her lot. Dint know what will happen in future...........just miss her loadzzzzzz


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