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♥Today's Quote ♥

♥"Friendship at first sight, like love at first sight is said to be the only truth."♥

Still I Love You


A boy 14 age go to class and he was too decent and he shy Little bit. One day he saw a girl in his class and in first view he fall madly in love with her. He when ever go to class he just keep looking at that girl he cant dare to talk to girl but he was madly in love with girl he try to talk come near to her but he cant dare to do that. If once he talk to that girl or help her once he was happy like he have achieve something bigger just like he got everything in his life. He always stands for her even don't want to miss any chance he was always ready to do anything.

Once teacher was angry in class and teacher was scolding lot to the girl and that boy dint like he just take peace of  paper and hit the teacher, and teacher caught him red hand and he was punished and teacher forget about girl and remove all anger on the boy but then also he was to happy. But after the class is over the boy was standing to bus stand looking to girl the girl saw the boy she just came near to boy said thank you. That day he was very happy keep dancing at home.

It was friendship day now the boy want to ask the girl but still he cant dare but after some time he he take a long breath and go near to here and ask " will u do friendship with me" girl replied "no" after that he was just like shock he quietly go home and start asking himself  " what i do mistake why u dint accept my friendship" and started hitting on wall just he was hurting him self that day was to bad for him.

Well after that he still don't give up he want to impress her but he don't know how he just standing for every help he can do.he daily look her way he just keep watching when she will come and after end of the class he wont go till she reach home. he was ready to to do anything for her but the girl never see that.

After that few month pass. Like this now the day was valentine day the boy thought that he should try to give yellow rose for friendship because he don't want to lose her. Now he buy a rose and some chocolate for her he went to her and try to ask her for rose but she was busy on mobile talking with some one. The boy was just waiting when she will keep the phone and when he will ask her for the rose and suddenly she stop talking on phone and when he go for asking to her she push him and the rose fall down then then she say sorry and just walk on the rose and go away he just put his head down and keep the chocolate box there and go to home he was just very upset. He always think that" what i did i never did something wrong in front of her why she don't accept me" that day he cut his hand with sharp blade and wrote her name on his name he was just gone mad in her love.

Still he keep trying to impress her. Now after few day he have an class trip to the beach she was also going so surely the boy will also go well he have lots of friends. now trip started boys and girls where separated
in different bus girls where in other bus and boys have other.  The boy keep watching out of bus that she will look back. After few time his friend ask for mobile for chat with some one and boy gave him he was just looking to her then he heard something from back some one is talking on the phone with a girl he look back he saw that his friend was talking on his phone with the girl he love very much. He listen that he was asking something when he listen careful he listen that he was saying i love u to the girl and asking for to be girlfriend for him. He just surprise and shock what is going on now but then also he dint say anything he was just looking to his friend and tears fall down now they  reach to the beach. Every one come to the beach and every one was enjoying with friend in water etc . He was just looking at her what she is doing how she smile how she enjoy just keep watching at her. After some time the boy friend came and go toward the girl  and ask for love ship and she told yes after that she kiss his friend in-front of him. he was totally broken he just fell down and tears where coming out and he can do anything. He even don't try ask his friend why he did like this. That day he dint eat a food just tears in his eyes whole day.

He was just broken like in thousand peace which will be never joint. But then also he want to stay for her he love her very much from heart and ready to do anything for her. After one month he got news from his another friend that his friend who ask for love ship he fuck the girl and went away just he use and throw the girl. But still he want to be with her because he have love her very much from real heart that day he saw that girl last time after that he never seen her but still he is in hope of her that "she will come back" and still love her more then his life
Three year passed still love her that much as he love her that time and evry day tear fall from his eyes when he go to bus stand and keep waiting of her that " one day she will come back" .

.....................................................LOve Never End It Just Go Away From U But Still Stay In Your Heart.


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